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This HTML, XHTML and XML validator is based on libTidy, and allows you to validate and automatically repair HTML, XHTML and XML. It also allows you to convert HTML documents to XHTML with a single button.
Please note that both this program and Tidy are currently under heavy development. If you find a bug or if you have any question/suggestion, please contact us via webmaster@aborla.net.
Input/Output Format: Select input/output format. You may select the option "XHTML" if you want to convert a HTML document to XHTML automatically.
Charset: Enter the charset that will be used to parse the document, or leave auto if you want to try to detect it automatically.
Accessibility check level: Select the priority level for the Accessibility validator, or 0 to disable the Accessibility checks. More info at: http://www.w3.org/WAI/
Alt-Text: Enter the text to automatically fill the alt attribute text that may be missing for some images. You should change this text later for a real description of the image!
Indent: Check this if you want to automatically indent your text.
Indent spaces: Indent spaces. You must also enable the Indent option.
Strip comments: Check this option if you want to remove the comments in the document.
Spell Checking: Select a language to run a spell checking on your document, or select 'no' to disable it. Please note that repeated errors on the same line aren't reported.
Wrap: Wrap lines at the specified line length, or enter 0 to disable wraping.